I wish I had a dollar for every time myself, and every person of color, has been told “Go back where you came from.” For the record, I am biracial. I am Hispanic on my Dad’s side and white on my Mom’s. As a member of the LDS church, I have traced my genealogy back several generations. Ironically, my Dad’s side has been in the Southwest US for far longer than my Mom’s. My paternal genealogy traces back into the 1600’s in what is now New Mexico. They never crossed the border…the border crossed them. My Mom’s side came to this area in the 1840’s, as immigrants to what was then Mexico. So who should leave?

We have always been a nation of immigrants. People coming to this country for various reasons…seeking the “American Dream.” We have always been that bright light on the hill…Lady Liberty welcoming people with the quote

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

That’s changed now. The whites only sign has been hung by this corrupt and racist administration. “Go back where you came from”…the cry of the white supremacist. The ugly racists that we, as a nation, have become.

Playing Russian Roulette

Posted: April 28, 2019 in Uncategorized

Our healthcare system, specifically the prescription drug program, sucks! The price of Insulin has risen 1000%! That’s not just rhetoric, it’s a proven fact. This past month I have had that hit me squarely between the eyes. I had to make the choice between rent and medication. That’s even with having insurance. So…I started rationing my insulin. This is a very dangerous, and life-threatening game. But, one that was necessary in my case, and is often played out throughout this country. Fortunately for me, there wasn’t a bullet in the chamber. I seem to have survived. Not sure if there will be effects down the road.

I am not writing this to ask for help or even sympathy. This is a problem that plagues our country. Healthcare, or lack of it, is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in this country. While I was going through this, Republicans in Congress were urging drug manufacturers to not participate in Congressional Oversight hearings. We hear the idiot president, and his congressional lackeys, vow to take away insurance from people, including those with preexisting conditions like diabetes. This is very disheartening. We must all strive to do better.

I now have my insulin, I rationed for three weeks to survive, so I am now good until approximately mid June. Then we will see…

My Birthday Wish…

Posted: November 4, 2018 in Uncategorized

In less than two weeks I will celebrate another birthday. For my birthday, I’m going to put up a donation page for the American Diabetes Association.

I am a diabetic. Was diagnosed about 10 years ago. Diabetes is a disease that gives and takes. It has given me a bad heart that goes into ventricular fibrillation several times a day. It has given me chronic pain fro the neuropathy. It has given me crippling medical bills, unquenchable thirst, intense headaches, and insomnia. And it takes.

It has taken my ability to heal. I have cuts and scrapes that have been healing for a year. It is taking my eyesight. It has taken away my ability to fight off infections. It has recently taken a tooth due to an abscess in my mouth. This took away my desire to smile, and affected my speech, and a lot of you know how I do enjoy the sound of my voice. It has taken away basic bodily functions, that we really don’t need to go into. Finally, diabetes will take my life.

My doctor has told me that diabetes will be the cause of my death. He has also told me that I’m a stroke or heart attack waiting to happen. Sometimes, I feel I’m living on borrowed time. Which is why I embrace each moment and person.

Dear Dad

Posted: July 28, 2018 in Uncategorized

It’s been 10 years now. Seems like only yesterday that I received that text. How sick you were was kept from me. I cried for a week after that…I still do at times. The memories of the times we had together while I was growing up, are so vivid as some of the happiest I had…getting my first baseball glove…learning to play sports…watching you coach and getting to compete with others several years older…and my first Broncos game. I’m told I still look like you. I sometimes catch myself giving someone a look or shaking my head the way you did. It makes me smile.

I have remarried. You would love her. I regret that you never got to meet her. I have three wonderful stepdaughters. I try to follow your example and be a good father to the girls. I have developed a bit of a relationship with my stepsisters and stepmom…largely through social media…I need to do better though. It seems like I let life get in the way.

Dad, not a day goes by that I don’t think of you and wish you were still here. So much pain and joy that I want to share with you. I have a hard time expressing to people just how much I miss you. I live just a few blocks from where we lived when I was growing up. Makes it difficult at times. The little league field is gone. The businesses have changed. The only constant is a son looking up to his dad. I miss you

I have four major symptoms/effects of my semi unchecked diabetes…besides feeling lousy and fatigued.

The first is my irregular heartbeat. Specifically, four or more times a day I go into AFib. Sometimes it’s a minor flutter…other times it’s like a freight train running through my chest. It actually feels like the bed is shaking. More severe at night, but definitely happens a lot. Doesn’t seem to be anything particular that brings it on. It is my heart attack a night.

The second is the ulcers that come and go on the bottoms of my feet. I don’t usually feel them (more on that later). My wife does a great job of checking them for me. The biggest fear is infection…which could lead to amputation and/or death. Wearing diabetic socks definitely helps.

The third is neuropathy. This presents itself in two very different ways. The first is I have little or no feeling in my toes and feet. I have to be really careful about cuts and ulcers. The second is a painful, burning sensation in my thighs and right side. Imagine someone pouring boiling water on you. Fortunately, this isn’t constant. There is always some pain, but only gets bad once or twice a month, and only lasts 4-5 days.

The last, and my most depressing, is it has ruined my smile and altered my speech. I have developed abscesses in my mouth which has made my teeth separate and loosened a couple of them. Not to mention when the abscesses drain and I am swallowing puss and blood. It also makes eating difficult and sometimes painful.

This is my current major symptoms. I manage it as best I can without insurance and access to medication. There are always good days and bad. I am lucky to have a strong support team headed by my wife. Take care of your health. It’s not worth it!

Living with Diabetes

Posted: January 22, 2018 in Uncategorized

I am a diabetic…as most people know. It is something that I’m really good at…that is I suck at it. I am constantly battling my blood sugar. I am an addict. No not opioids or even sex (another story for another day), I am a junk food junkie with a very sweet tooth. Suffice to say it can cause some problems.

My doctor told me that I will die from diabetes but I can choose when. This past year, I put that to the test. My blood glucose got over 600 which bought me a ride in an ambulance and a permanent abnormal heartbeat. The doctor wanted to keep me for a week but our financial situation at the time wasn’t going to allow that. I left with a better appreciation of life and by the end of the year had my A1c down in the normal range. I also was able to ditch the can I had used for a year because of my neuropathy.

A lot of help was given to me of course by my wife Jo…who really stood by me. It’s difficult for me to have help getting shoes, socks, and pants off but she never complains. Also so many friends helped when we needed financial help…especially Phil Skinner. Those of you who witness me and Phil arguing on Facebook fail to see the love. He is my brother. And not sure if I would be around without him.

So I press on…trying to do better. Trying to be a better person. It’s all I can do and I’m thankful and grateful for everyday..

The Biggest Thing

Posted: January 17, 2018 in Uncategorized

The biggest thing that happened during my long writing absence was I got married…again. I don’t know if I believe in soul mates. All I know is I never tire of her company.  Who would have ever thought that I would marry a republican? We are enough alike to keep things fun and enough different to keep things interesting. 

Jo has stood by me through so much. From major health problems that have three times put me in the hospital…including a mild cardiac episode…to the end of a 12 year legal hell. She has been my rock. Not to be overly dramatic but she has probably saved my life a few times. What can you say about someone who loves you unconditionally. I haven’t felt that in my life in a long time. She has helped me find my voice, my religion, my purpose, my life. She has made me want to be a better person. She has three wonderful daughters that I love dearly…even when they are a pain in the neck. But it has been wonderful to see them grow up into three very accomplished and beautiful young women. 

So that’s my big thing…at least the biggest. I can never repay what she has given me. Everyday all I can do is tell her she is the most wonderful and beautiful person in the world. And that I love her. 

Welcome (Back) to my World

Posted: January 15, 2018 in Uncategorized

It’s been far too long. I haven’t written consistently for nearly six years. I told myself, and others, that I didn’t want my views to be construed as those of the politicians I was working with. I haven’t been actively involved in a campaign in 3-1/2 years. It was a copout. It was mostly fear…fear of what I had become…fear of where I was…fear of rejection. I no longer have those fears. I am ready to share my thoughts, my dreams, my fears, my world, with others. I am ready to let people back in. 

Those of you expecting a heavily political blog are going to be mostly disappointed. Politics is such a small part of who I am. Those that think they know me from just social media posts may be pleasantly surprised that I have more depth of character. 

A lot has happened. A lot is yet to happen. Hang on…it’s going to be an interesting ride. Where it takes us, not even I know. I hope it is entertaining. 


Posted: January 8, 2017 in Uncategorized

​Reprinted from my friend Susan Marques Booth

Dear Utah Legislature, 

Being involved at the end of a person’s life is a unique part of the human experience. It’s highly emotionally charged, because watching someone you love so much suffer, is difficult. My father’s been dying for about a year now. We’ve had the roller coaster of emotions. One minute we’ve been hopeful and positive about my father’s future only to have those very hopes dashed as another tumor grows. 
My dad’s cancer, head and neck cancer, is horrific to see. It not only grows on the inside of your body, but also on the outside. It’s wild, because the thing that is killing him is so very alive and visible. It’s like rockets are shooting out of his neck and shoulder. The right side of his incredibly handsome face is bizarrely distorted, weirdly triangular with large tumors wanting to burst through, right under his eye. His beautiful smile is gone as all of his top teeth had to be taken out and tumors have begun their takeover of his mouth. Despite all of this, he somehow managed to make fun of me and shared my embarrassing experience of trying to use a large industrial buffer, losing control of it and breaking the handle, with everyone. In fact, the last words he shared with me before he drifted off in his drug induced sleep last night was, “Remember when you used the machine?” I wonder if that will be his final memory of me… It was pretty funny.
Hospice has us giving him pain medications every 45 minutes. Yes – EVERY 45 minutes. I wonder if they think that we’re fucking stupid. They have essentially told us, (without telling us), that it’s our job to make sure that he’s too tired to eat or drink. When you don’t eat or drink your kidneys shut down, you go into a coma and you die. They have put the responsibility into our hands which I think is truly unfair, especially for my mom, his main caretaker. My mom will always do what the doctors tell her to do. The dose will be the right amount and it will be delivered as per instructions. My question for the Utah Legislature is this: How is this better, or more “moral” or “ethical”, than allowing my father to choose which day to end his life? That fact of the matter is, although hospice creates an avenue to lessen pain and suffering while someone is dying, they ARE assisting in the progression of the process. Don’t give into cognitive dissonance here. We ARE helping my father to die. Why is that more acceptable than empowering an individual to choose to die on their own terms, when they want to, when there is zero chance of a recovery? The interference of religion in the legislative process needs to be removed. It’s pretty simple, if your faith believes that suicide is some sort of unforgivable sin, by all means, do not participate in it. That’s not our belief. If you want us to respect your beliefs, which we do, please respect ours. My dad deserved the ability to die on his own terms. Now, he’s dying on YOUR terms, but make no mistake – he’s going to die. You’ve prolonged his agony, misery, suffering and pain. You’ve prolonged ours as well. 
Susan Booth

A Culture of Corruption

Posted: May 10, 2016 in Uncategorized

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely… Recently, Republican legislative leaders wrote that Utah residents were second class citizens because the Federal Government refused to rel…

Source: A Culture of Corruption